Amazon Daily Quiz Answers

Born on 6th July, 1935 how do we better know the spiritual leader Tenzin Gyatso?

Born on 6th July, 1935 how do we better know the spiritual leader Tenzin Gyatso?

Answer 1: The Dalai Lama

Q2. What term recently coined by researchers refers to ‘the coronavirus induced lock-down period and its impact on other species’?

Answer 2: Anthropause

Q3. Which 100-year-old Japanese firm, once one of the world’s biggest camera brands, has announced plans to sell off their imaging business?

Answer 3: Olympus

Q4. According to the World Federation of Exchanges, with a market capitalization of $1.7 trillion, which is the world’s 10th largest exchange?

Answer 4: Bombay Stock Exchange

Q5. An abandoned bus inhabited by adventurer Chris McCandless, removed by Alaskan authorities recently, was made famous in which book and film?

Answer 5: Into the Wild

by Team Tophunt

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