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Google Play Points Rewards: Knowing about it all

Google Play Points Rewards: Knowing about it all

Google Play Points Rewards: Knowing about it all

Google has embarked on something new and interesting for its users. So, the big question we ask, could it be said that you are somebody who pays for your utilisation using applications from Google Play Store or makes it with the in-built application and enjoy the games once you buy it? If yes is the answer, you would like this new Google Play Points Rewards offer. Clients can now procure Google Play rewards focused on introducing paid applications/games and making in-application buys. You begin to acquire 1 Play point for each 5 INR spent on Google Play. When you gather an adequate number of rewards in a scheduled year, you get additional focuses and advantages, for example, in-game focus occasions, book multipliers, win week-by-week prizes, and get top-notch support with rewards.

Google Play Points Rewards levels at a glance 

Points you need to have for the Google Play Points Rewards level Reward points earned every for 5 INR spent Extra Benefits
Bronze – 0 to 249 1 point In-game points events 

Book multipliers

Silver – 250 to 999 1.1 points In-game points events

Book multipliers

Silver weekly prizes

Gold – 1000 to 3,999 1.2 points In-game points events

Book multipliers

Gold weekly prizes

Platinum – 4000 & above 1.4 points In-game points events

Book multipliers

Platinum weekly prizes

Premium support

The more Google Play Rewards you acquire, the more advantages and benefits you can gain. It will help you enjoy while you can become qualified to get the same. The Play focuses for various levels referenced above are given as the all-out focuses procured in a scheduled year.

In any case, what’s next after the scheduled year closes? Do all your recently gathered Google Play focuses become invalid? Google says that your Google Play Rewards and even out will stay as is for the rest of the following year (one year after the time you procured them) regardless of whether you acquire any new award in something very similar. Be that as it may, pause, there’s a trick.

This means your Google Play Focuses Rewards and Even out will continue as before for the following year after you previously acquired them. After the following schedule year is finished, you will, in all likelihood, need to begin from 0. In this way, attempt to utilize your Google Play reward focuses in the following year.

How to Earn the Google Play Points Rewards?

To procure Google Play points, you should be in the accompanying nations – India, the Assembled Realm, the US, and others. Your Google Play record ought to likewise have a substantial charging address that matches your Google Play nation, and you should have a legitimate installment strategy.

You can acquire Google Play Prizes Focuses on your Android gadget, Brilliant television, or PC.

  • Here are various ways of procuring Google Play focuses
  • Purchase applications or games on the Play Store
  • Buy games on Stadia’s Android application.
  • Buy into Google One on Android
  • Make in-application or in-game buys and memberships.
  • Purchase books with Google Play
  • These are the courses through which you can now acquire Google Play rewards.

Where or how can you use your Google Play points?

Indeed, you might procure a great deal of Google Play Points Rewards; however, why, on the off chance that you can’t utilize them correct? Here are various ways you can use your Google Play Points Prizes.

In-application or in-game things

  • Coupons to purchase in-application or in-game things at a limited cost
  • Google Play credit
  • Support for a genuine end goal (US and Korea, as it were)
  • Accomplice rewards (if any)

Note that these advantages are notwithstanding different ones we examined better than as week after week prizes, premium help, booking multipliers and more. Likewise, any coupon that is traded for focus terminates in a year. Thus, make sure to involve it in the set time.

How to Join the Google Play Points Rewards Programme?

You can join the Google Play focuses rewards program on your cell phone or PC without much stretch. Once gone, you can begin procuring Play focuses for each 5 INR you spent on Google Play. Here are the moves toward joining the Google Play Points Prizes program.

  • Joining Google Play Focuses on a cell phone:
  • Essentially open the Google Play Store application on your portable
  • At the upper right, tap the profile symbol.
  • Tap Play Focuses.
  • Tap Join.
  • Joining Google Play Focuses on your PC:
  • Open the Play Store.
  • On the left, click Play Points.
  • Click Join.

Note: However, Google Play Points Prizes are presently accessible in India; it may not as yet be apparent on your android cell phone yet. Nonetheless, sit back and relax. It ought to be before long accessible. Simply ensure your Play Store application is refreshed.

Thus, this was about the Google Play Focuses Prizes, what they are, their advantages, how you can utilize them, and how you can join the Google Play Focuses Prizes Program in India.

Do you have more inquiries? View these short FAQs. You might track down your search here.

FAQ about Google Play Points Rewards Launch in India

1). What are Google Play Points Rewards?

There are many home depot weather stations in 2022, and we have brought you the best in the following paragraphs:

Google Play Points or Google Play Prizes focuses are new rewards focused on by Google for Google Play Store. For each 5 INR you spend on Google Play, you can acquire 1 Play point, which then, at that point, can be reclaimed for extra advantages.

2). Do Google Play Points Rewards comes with a validity period?

The answer is yes, indeed, your Google Play Focuses Rewards and even out can terminate following one year from when you previously procured them.

3). How do I get Google Play points?

You can get Google Play Points by making purchases on the Play Store. For example, purchasing applications or games on the Play Store, buying games on Stadia’s Android application, Making in-application or in-game buys and memberships, purchasing books with Google Play and more.

4). Will I lose my current Play points when the next calendar year begins?

According to Google, “Focuses you’ve procured in a scheduled year consider progress towards a higher level. Focuses will not be deducted from your level advancement when you use them. When you arrive at a level, you keep that level for the rest of the next year.

5). How do I convert Google Play points to cash?

The Points can’t be changed over entirely to cash, and neither can be moved

6). Can you earn Google Play Points for free?

You can’t procure Google Play focuses for anything as Google rewards Play focuses to clients just for making buys on or through the Play Store.

7). Is Google Play points available in India?

Up to this point, Google was contributing Google Credits in India, yet as of late, Google has sent off Google Play focuses for Indian clients also, where for each 5 INR spent on the Play Store, you can procure 1 Google Play Point.

8). Are Google Play Points available in other countries?

Google Play Points are to be in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Joined United Arab Emirates, Canada, or the US.

09). How to check your Google Play Points? 

Go to research Play Store, and on the upper right side, you’d see your profile symbol. Tap on it, and next tap on “Play Focuses.” Here you can see your complete Play Focuses too see your Play Focuses history

10). How can a developer join the Google Play Points reward program?

According to Google, “The program as of now (as of May 2022) chips away at a greeting premise in particular. We are now centered around adding more game designers to the program and have tentative arrangements to acknowledge applications.” Be that as it may, to communicate your advantage, you can finish up this structure – Google Play Focuses Program Joining structure for Engineers.


by Team Tophunt

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