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(Fix) Survive storm phases while carrying a weapon of epic rarity or higher not working

Some users experience the “survive storm phases while carrying a weapon of epic rarity not working” bug in Fortnite & this news spread on the internet notably.

A fortnight’s new quest “survive storm phases while carrying a weapon of the epic rarity of higher.” looks easy & simple but it is not. because of many bugs. If you’re also having trouble completing the “Survive Storm Phases while carrying a weapon of Epic rarity” challenge in Fortnite, there are a few things you can try to resolve the issue.

FIX Survive Storm phases while carrying a weapon of epic rarity or higher In Fortnite! not working bug

Step 1 – simply go to the locker and make sure to change the pickaxe.

Step 2 – Try to choose any pickaxe that is not rarer/epic like.

Step 3 – get any pickaxe that rear or uncommon so just get any of these pickaxe.

Step 4 – Now land shown in the image and pick up Kinetic Blade Katanas or any other weapons with Epfe or Higher Rarity to survive.

Step 5 – Just survive until the next storm fails. you can actually hind inside the bush, thumb sink or fight with other players

Step 6 – make sure to survive until the storm circle appears the next one.

Step 7 – wait five seconds only and then you will see the challenge actually completed and it finally counts but again you need to change the pickaxe.

In conclusion, if you’re having trouble completing the “Survive Storm Phases while carrying a weapon of Epic rarity” challenge in Fortnite, there are several steps you can take to try and resolve the issue. By following the above steps and making sure you’re carrying an Epic weapon and surviving the storm phases, you should be able to complete the challenge successfully.

by Team Tophunt

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